5 Best Glycolic Acid Serums In Pakistan For All Skin Types

Top Glycolic Acid Serums in Pakistan for Younger Skin, Anti-Aging Benefits, and Effective Exfoliation


Discover the secret to radiant, smooth, and rejuvenated skin with the best glycolic acid serums available in Pakistan.

These serums provide a potent solution for addressing various skin concerns, from dullness and uneven texture to fine lines and acne scars.

Glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy (AHA) acid derived from sugar cane, is a powerful exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and stimulates cell turnover.

I have been using glycolic acid for a long time and can confidently say how important it is for achieving younger-looking skin.

If you are not using glycolic acid or any other form of AHAs, you are missing an important step in your skincare routine.

Especially if your skin is mature and you want that smooth, wrinkle-free look, you must include glycolic acid in your skincare regimen.

Glycolic acid helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin texture, and promotes collagen production, resulting in a more youthful complexion.

It also targets pigmentation concerns by fading dark spots and promoting an even skin tone.

While glycolic acid is typically used by those with dry and normal skin types, it is also suitable for those with oily and combination skin types.

Its ability to gently exfoliate while promoting hydration makes it versatile enough to benefit oily and acne-prone skin as well.

However, salicylic acid is often preferred for oily and acne-prone skin due to its deep-penetrating and pore-unclogging properties.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the best quality glycolic acid serum brands available in Pakistan.

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links. Read more about it here.]


List Of Glycolic Acid Serums In Pakistan:


  1. L’Oreal Paris Glycolic Bright Instant Glowing Face Serum
  2. The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Toner
  3. Chiltanpure Glycolic Serum – Best Serum For Exfoliation
  4. Eveline Beauty & Glow Acid Power! With 5% Glycolic Acid Illuminating Toner
  5. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7%Exfoliating Toner


1. L’Oreal Paris Glycolic Bright Instant Glowing Face Serum


This works best for beginners as it contains 1% glycolic acid. This serum is affordable and is used by many consumers in Pakistan with positive reviews.

Infused with 1.0% Glycolic Acid, it is clinically proven to swiftly enhance skin radiance and diminish dark spots.

Experience immediate luminosity and a visibly glowing complexion. 

It is available in 15ml and 30ml bottles for your convenience.

loreal paris glycolic acid serum

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Price: 1,300.00 (At Publish Time)


2. The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Toner


Experience the transformative power of The INKEY List Glycolic Acid Toner, a gentle yet potent formula designed to unveil radiant, youthful skin.

With 10 percent glycolic acid, it effectively minimizes pores and diminishes fine lines, leaving behind a smoother, more luminous complexion.

This toner works wonders on dullness, uneven texture, dark spots, and signs of aging, encouraging cellular turnover for a revitalized appearance. 

inkey list glycolic acid

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Price: 7,960 PKR


3. Chiltanpure Glycolic Serum – Best Serum For Exfoliation


Discover Chiltanpure Glycolic Acid Serum, a budget-friendly yet high-quality option in Pakistan for achieving radiant skin.

This gentle exfoliator effectively improves skin tone by shedding dead skin cells, revealing a smoother complexion. It not only treats acne but also reduces acne scarring and inflammation, promoting clearer, healthier skin.

Experience the transformative benefits of this serum as it revitalizes your skin, leaving it refreshed and rejuvenated.

glycolic acid serum

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Price: 1,699 PKR


4. Eveline Beauty & Glow Acid Power! With 5% Glycolic Acid Illuminating Toner


Eveline Serum features 5% glycolic acid that gently exfoliates, minimizing pores and imperfections. With French rose hydrolate, it refreshes and enhances skin’s natural glow.

IllumiGlow™ delivers instant illumination, reducing wrinkles and discolorations.

Aloe vera extract soothes irritation, while carrot, kale, and lemon ferments provide natural antioxidants to slow down aging. Experience smooth, revitalized skin with each use.

glycolic acid

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Price: 2,215 PKR


5. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7%Exfoliating Toner


Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner (formerly known as Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution) is a powerful exfoliator that effectively smoothens skin texture and enhances the appearance of a more even skin tone.

Regular use reveals a luminous complexion while reducing the visibility of lines and wrinkles.

Designed for daily use, its water-based formula ensures gentle yet effective results. Experience rejuvenated and radiant skin with this transformative toner.

glycolic acid

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Price: 4,950 PKR


Understanding Exfoliation and the Importance of Glycolic acid


Exfoliation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in our skin, involving the shedding of dead skin cells. New cells are formed beneath the skin’s surface, and as they move up, the old cells reach the top.

Once these cells die, they are naturally shed off. However, this process slows down with age, leading to an accumulation of dead skin cells that can make our skin look dull, lackluster, and older.

We would like to not let this exfoliation process slow down, and to counteract this, we can use certain skincare ingredients and products like glycolic acid to help maintain a healthy rate of exfoliation.

Let’s explore physical and chemical exfoliation.


Physical Exfoliation: Scrubs


Have you ever heard of scrubs? I’m sure you have, and many of you might have used them. Scrubs typically contain small, abrasive particles like sugar, salt, crushed nuts, or synthetic beads that provide a gritty texture.

When massaged onto the skin, these particles physically slough off dead skin cells. After scrubbing for two to three minutes, we rinse our face with water, washing away the dead skin cells.

This process is known as physical exfoliation. However, physical scrubs only remove dead cells from the surface.


Chemical Exfoliation: A Superior Method


While physical exfoliation is effective, chemical exfoliation often provides better results.

Chemical exfoliants, such as glycolic acid (a type of alpha hydroxy acid or AHA), are excellent for this purpose. Glycolic acid can go deep to remove dead cells from the deeper layers of the skin, making it more effective than surface-level scrubbing.

Glycolic acid is available in various forms, including cleansers, toners, serums, and creams, with serums and creams being the most popular for achieving long-lasting results.

Applying glycolic acid serums and creams to your face and leaving them on overnight means you don’t need to rinse them off like scrubs.

This makes them highly effective for exfoliation, as they work to dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be shed more easily.

Over time, this can lead to a smoother, brighter, and more youthful complexion.

Glycolic Acid as an Anti-Aging Ingredient


Glycolic acid is a crucial ingredient for achieving a younger, fresher look.

It effectively removes dead skin cells, reducing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

By exfoliating the skin and promoting cell turnover, glycolic acid reveals a smoother, more youthful complexion and improves skin texture and tone.

It also enhances skin hydration, making it look plumper and more radiant, and regular use can significantly diminish age spots and hyperpigmentation.

Including glycolic acid and retinol serum in your skincare routine can help prevent premature aging, but it’s important to understand how to use these potent ingredients to avoid skin irritation and peeling.


Benefits of Glycolic Acid for Skin


Glycolic acid offers numerous benefits for skincare. Here are some key advantages of including glycolic acid in your routine:

1. Glycolic acid is a highly effective exfoliant. Its small molecular size allows it to penetrate deeply into the skin, breaking down the bonds holding dead skin cells together. This exfoliation process reveals fresher, younger-looking skin and improves overall texture and tone.


2. Regular use of glycolic acid can make your skin smoother. By promoting the shedding of dead skin cells, it reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and rough patches, giving your skin a more even and refined surface.


3. Glycolic acid stimulates collagen production, which is essential for skin’s firmness and elasticity. Increased collagen helps improve skin texture and reduces signs of aging like fine lines and sagging.


4. Glycolic acid can also lighten hyperpigmentation, such as dark spots, sunspots, and acne scars. By promoting cell turnover, it evens out skin tone and results in a more balanced complexion.


5. Glycolic acid is effective in treating acne. It helps clear pores, reduces the build-up of sebum and dead skin cells, and prevents the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Regular use leads to fewer breakouts and a clearer complexion.


6. Lastly, glycolic acid enhances the absorption of other skincare products. By exfoliating the top layer of the skin, it allows active ingredients in serums, moisturizers, and treatments to penetrate deeper, maximizing their benefits. It also brightens the skin, revealing a more vibrant and radiant complexion.


How to Use Glycolic Acid Serum in Your skincare routine


Using glycolic acid serum correctly is crucial to avoid damaging your skin. Overuse can breach and damage your skin barrier, so it is best to use it 2-3 times a week in the winter. During the summer, you should reduce the frequency even more, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Avoid combining it with other potent skincare ingredients like vitamin C or retinol, as this can increase skin sensitivity; use them on alternate nights instead. 

Begin with a low concentration and gradually increase the frequency or potency as your skin adjusts. Always wear sunscreen during the day, as glycolic acid can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Additionally, perform a patch test before applying glycolic acid to your entire face, especially if you have sensitive skin.


Is Glycolic Acid Suitable for All Skin Types?


Yes, Every skin type can and should use glycolic acid. Dry and normal skin types can benefit from using a glycolic acid serum. Glycolic acid is an effective exfoliant that can help improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and brighten the complexion.

On the other hand, for oily, acne-prone skin types, salicylic acid is a better choice. Salicylic acid helps to deep clean pores, control oil production, and prevent breakouts.

Individuals with oily skin can incorporate both salicylic acid and glycolic acid into their skincare routine for optimal results. Salicylic acid can target acne and oil, while glycolic acid provides anti-aging benefits and overall skin rejuvenation.

How to Incorporate Glycolic Acid Serum into Your Skincare Routine


Start with a Low Concentration


If you are new to glycolic acid, it is crucial to start with a low concentration to prevent skin irritation or inflammation.

Begin with a product that contains 5-% or less glycolic acid, and gradually increase the concentration as your skin becomes accustomed to it.


 Use Glycolic Acid at Night


Glycolic acid can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so it is best to use it in your nighttime routine.

After cleansing, apply a glycolic acid toner or serum, then follow up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and avoid dryness.


 Apply Sunscreen Daily


As glycolic acid can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, it is essential to use sunscreen every day.

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.



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